How to tell if your Mac has a virus

Apple products often come with an air of invincibility, and through the years, they’ve shown resistance to threats in ways Microsoft computers aren’t privy to. This, however, does not mean that Macs aren’t invulnerable. Viruses that affect Macs There are four general virus types that hit Apple products, and their effects can range from merely […]

Want to get rid of your Mac? Not so fast

Buying a secondhand Mac is a popular way to save money on relatively expensive equipment that retains its value. Conversely, selling your used Mac is a great way to expose yourself to potential identity theft. Keep your personal information safe when getting rid of a Mac computer by adhering to these tips. Sign into all […]

The benefits of upgrading your Mac with an SSD

If you have an older Mac, it probably has a hard disk drive (HDD) for storing your data. Newer models, however, have a solid state drive (SSD), which has become the standard in data storage in recent years. You can enjoy the advantages of SSDs by upgrading your Mac with one today. They’re faster SSDs […]

Slow Mac? We’ve got tips to make it run faster

Did your Mac slow down after you installed macOS Mojave? Or do you suspect that its sluggishness is caused by nearly empty memory storage space? No matter what caused your Mac to slow down, things are not hopeless. Here are some ways to speed it up. Clean up your Login Items The Login Items list […]

2018 Top time-saving tips for Macs

We are driven by instinct to switch to tools that increase efficiency. This is as true as when our ancestors upgraded to sharper spears, as it is now as we continually update the operating systems of our Macs. However, there have been so many macOS improvements over the years that we often overlook the more […]

How to protect your Mac computer

As a business owner, you work hard to succeed. But that can be difficult when you’re up against stiff competition and notorious cybercriminals. The future may be unpredictable, but that doesn’t mean you should take the security of your Mac device for granted. Protect it with these helpful tips.  The basics First, let’s start with […]

HTTPS matters more for Chrome

HTTPS usage on the web has taken off as Chrome has evolved its security indicators. HTTPS has now become a requirement for many new browser features, and Chrome is dedicated to making it as easy as possible to set up HTTPS. Let’s take a look at how. For several years, Google has moved toward a […]

“Black Dot” crashes iOS messaging app

An emoji encrypted with a series of hidden codes has been reported to disable and crash the messaging apps of Apple Macs, iPads, and iPhones. Read on to discover how you can address this problem before it does severe damage to your device. What is going on? A bug, known as “Black Dot,” is locking […]

Microsoft unveils new features for Outlook

Microsoft outlined a list of new features it will deliver to its various Outlook apps, including bill-pay reminders, better calendaring across time zones, and a way to see who has RSVP’d for a meeting. Here are five that could potentially be the most important. #1 RSVP Outlook makes it fairly simple to invite people to […]

New scam freezes Chrome to panic users

Con artists have created a new method of deceiving Chrome users by freezing their browsers and displaying a security notification with bogus tech-support contact details. Their ultimate goal is to scare potential victims and trick them into dialing the fake hotline number on the screen. The End Game The scam works by displaying an error […]